Ja ha passat casi un dia i no puc ni caminar però m´ho vaig passar genial.
View Matagalls-Montserrat in a larger map
Vam començar un grupet molt maco i com sempre ja al Km0 jo fent el gilipolles. Els primers 20Km els vam fer quasi corrent i sense cap problema però al final d'aquests 20Km i després de correr amunt i avall fent el cabra boja doncs, el genoll esquerre i el sec de la cama dret em van dir que no em flipes. Vaig aguantar com vaig poder fins al Km45 i allà ja no vaig poder caminar més. Ni pensar amb el Frodo m'ajudava (que trist... si ho veiés pobret) així que haurem de tornar a intentar-ho l'any que ve.
Me'n vaig amb un record molt maco i amb ganes de tornar-ho a intentar. Gràcies a tots els que vau venir amb mi i gràcies a les dues noies guapes de suport logístic. Vosaltres sí que teniu mèrit.
Un petó a tots!!!
Aquí us deixo les fotos de la jornada.
Aquí teniu l'enllaç al mapa dels primers 20Km amb temps, altituds, etc.
I per rematar... enllaç al discurs del Sam al Foro :P
Product Test: Nike Free 5.0
After a very productive day updating translation files for Panoramio ;) I decided to go for a run to give a try to my brand new Nike Free 5.0
I did a short 7Km (in 40min so not much sweating) from the office to the bottom of Uetliberg and return. I decided to buy this shoes following a recommendation of my friend H.Leiteriz and I have to admit they are very comfortable.
My knee was a bit in pain before and that is why I decided to change shoes. With this new shoes the pain decreased significantly... I still need to try them for longer to assess though. What I can assure is that there are some muscles in my leg that were not in use with my old runners and I can totally see that the design of this shoes is more natural. I should maybe have gone for the 3.0 version though, but I wanted to be on the safe side so in case this pair proofs to work as it seems, I will go for the Nike free 3.0
This new model allows the option to add the fancy device that tells you speed, distance and calories. If anyone feels like buying me one as a present... I will not say no :)
Blick am Abend changed my name ;)
From now on I am Gérard Sars. Sars not being the desease :(
This is the piece where Blick am Abend asked me about the WM:
I was fetched infraganty in Bellevue while going to the office, obviously with my Google Picknick sunglasses, by the reporters of Blick am Abend (the less trusty newspaper in Switzerland).
A fast translation of what they wrote I said:
"Despite being from Spain and being happy of the Spanish victory, what I liked the most was Paul the octopus. That was crazy and I like it!"
This is the piece where Blick am Abend asked me about the WM:
I was fetched infraganty in Bellevue while going to the office, obviously with my Google Picknick sunglasses, by the reporters of Blick am Abend (the less trusty newspaper in Switzerland).
A fast translation of what they wrote I said:
"Despite being from Spain and being happy of the Spanish victory, what I liked the most was Paul the octopus. That was crazy and I like it!"
My first Edelweiss
Last weekend I went hiking with Jessica in Adelboden and I found my first Edelweiss (at 2333m):
They say Edelweiss brings you luck so we wanted to extend our weekend with a bath in the Jungbrunnen, so now I have less wrinkles than before [ considering I was having none ;) ]
On our way back home we stopped in an Alpenhutte as it was raining and I wanted to buy a cheese. The problem I have now with this cheese is that it is killing my social life. I do not have a dog because I can not commit on taking care of it, and now I have to wash and flip a cheese every morning when I wake up ;(
Conclusion: Before buying a cheese, consider going directly for a dog.
Some photos from that weekend are here
Panoramaweg. Schwizerland
As always we will start with a photo of me ;)
Just a couple of thoughts on my way up to the Gr.Mythen summit:
Just a couple of thoughts on my way up to the Gr.Mythen summit:
- Guys are way hotter in the mountain than in the beach.
Basically this is due to the nature of the activity. People go to the beach to lay down like seals, whereas people go to the mountain to do some sport! No need to be very intelligent to get the conclusion, I just did not thought about this until yesterday while hiking ;)
- If you ask someone "How long do we still have to the summit" in the middle of the hike, you will end up going back to the basement
And indeed. There was this guy that was hiking up to Gr. Mythen and when he was at ~40% he ask me that question. I obviously gave the typical mountain answer (a lie): you are almost there. He made a puzzle face and quit the hike ;)
Just say that the excursion is really worth it and despite I am in still in pain, I have to say it was extremely nice.
Some data:
Distance: 19.24Km
Time: 5:11h
Images: Panoramio
If you want to see route in Google Earth, click the image below to download the kml file.
Klöntalersee from Glarus to Plätz
I just arrived from my first hike this season, this time with my friend Erik. As always some data:
Total distance: 19.14Km
Time: 3:41h (Including lunch break)
We followed the track recommended by Tages Anzeiger.
The hike was not difficult at all but it is very nice. We took the train at Zürich HB to Glarus (return ticket with Halbtax was 24 CHF). From Glarus we took the track to the lake. It has an amazing forest and a river with crystal clear water. We have seen a couple of guys fly-fishing.
The official mountain greeting is Grützi. If you are greeting more than one person you should use: Grützi mit ein andern.
The view you find just after going out from the forest near the lake is the most amazing thing on the whole hike. After this view you find the lake and as it ias artificial... well, you find what some people call beach and Erik was referring as "the mold".
We surrendered the lake and we ended up at Plätz where a nice beer was waiting for me at the beer garden. It happens to be also the bus station, so in case you do not want to walk down again...
In general I have a great impression. It is something easy, nice and cheap. Fully recommended.
Total distance: 19.14Km
Time: 3:41h (Including lunch break)
If you want to see the track in Google Earth, the .kml is here
The photos I took are here
We followed the track recommended by Tages Anzeiger.
The hike was not difficult at all but it is very nice. We took the train at Zürich HB to Glarus (return ticket with Halbtax was 24 CHF). From Glarus we took the track to the lake. It has an amazing forest and a river with crystal clear water. We have seen a couple of guys fly-fishing.
The official mountain greeting is Grützi. If you are greeting more than one person you should use: Grützi mit ein andern.
The view you find just after going out from the forest near the lake is the most amazing thing on the whole hike. After this view you find the lake and as it ias artificial... well, you find what some people call beach and Erik was referring as "the mold".
We surrendered the lake and we ended up at Plätz where a nice beer was waiting for me at the beer garden. It happens to be also the bus station, so in case you do not want to walk down again...
In general I have a great impression. It is something easy, nice and cheap. Fully recommended.
Birthday on fire!
Yesterday was the 27th anniversary of Carlos Gomez and he decided to celebrate it at a Peruvian restaurant called Mochica. I say "called" in past as the restaurant got burned while we were eating!
Let's go back a bit in time:
When Carlos told me we were going there I had a bad karma, so I told him that I was not feeling really comfortable about the selection. He convinced me with: "It is my birthday" and "We should go to places that are different from what we find in Europe", so I agreed and we met at 20:30h there.
We arrived and ordered some Sangria while we were checking the menu, and suddenly the oven started to burn. (This is one reason to avid open-air kitchens). Carlos was fully calmed and people in the restaurant was whispering about the situation. Just some seconds later, a responsible from the place extinguished the fired and people started to cheer up.
We ordered the second sangria and this time the over went on fire for real. The fire was expanding to the rest of the kitchen and there was nothing the personal could do. Smoke started to expand in the room. Carlos was telling us to stay calmed despite we already told him there was no way we would eat with that smoke. And then people started to run out from the place.
2 minutes later the fireman (4 tracks in total) covered the area and started to work in the extinction. Everyone in the area was taking pictures with their cameras, so despite of the situation there was kind of a gossiping atmosphere.
Suddenly a guy who promise to us that he was a former fireman, started organizing the fireman brigades. The guy was not having any devise with him and he was faking he was calling the units and giving them advice. Obviously he was just a bit crazy. Carlos interrogated him and as he told us everything was under control, we headed towards our next stop: a Mexican restaurant called Colibri.
This was the most exciting birthday dinner ever. I just hope that the restaurant is fine now as the food looked delicious, despite we could not taste it. Next time I'm in San Francisco I will have to go to give it a try.
Let's go back a bit in time:
When Carlos told me we were going there I had a bad karma, so I told him that I was not feeling really comfortable about the selection. He convinced me with: "It is my birthday" and "We should go to places that are different from what we find in Europe", so I agreed and we met at 20:30h there.
We arrived and ordered some Sangria while we were checking the menu, and suddenly the oven started to burn. (This is one reason to avid open-air kitchens). Carlos was fully calmed and people in the restaurant was whispering about the situation. Just some seconds later, a responsible from the place extinguished the fired and people started to cheer up.
We ordered the second sangria and this time the over went on fire for real. The fire was expanding to the rest of the kitchen and there was nothing the personal could do. Smoke started to expand in the room. Carlos was telling us to stay calmed despite we already told him there was no way we would eat with that smoke. And then people started to run out from the place.
2 minutes later the fireman (4 tracks in total) covered the area and started to work in the extinction. Everyone in the area was taking pictures with their cameras, so despite of the situation there was kind of a gossiping atmosphere.
Suddenly a guy who promise to us that he was a former fireman, started organizing the fireman brigades. The guy was not having any devise with him and he was faking he was calling the units and giving them advice. Obviously he was just a bit crazy. Carlos interrogated him and as he told us everything was under control, we headed towards our next stop: a Mexican restaurant called Colibri.
This was the most exciting birthday dinner ever. I just hope that the restaurant is fine now as the food looked delicious, despite we could not taste it. Next time I'm in San Francisco I will have to go to give it a try.
New Panoramio Widget API
We just launched the Panoramio Widget API, an as I am now in San Francisco, I am showing you how the widget looks like in my blog with some fantastic San Francisco photos from the Panoramio community.
For more info, check in here.
For more info, check in here.
LipdUPC. Full of Win!
I tried my whole life to engage people to do great things like the Barcelona Tech Univeristy folks just did.
This performance is full of win so congratulations:
This performance is full of win so congratulations:
New Profile Picture for your Panoramio Account
I remember clearly the moment when my friends Asier, Carlos and me were in front of the Matterhorn in Zermatt and we took avatar pictures to use it across the web. The three of us have the same photo background but I am obviously the top in handsomenes (well... maybe not). Up to now I have only used it in my Google Profile and in my Google Talk communications.
I am happy I can use it now with Panoramio! Thanks Gyuri and Jose for making this small feature a reality :)
More info: Go personal with the new Panoramio profile picture
I am happy I can use it now with Panoramio! Thanks Gyuri and Jose for making this small feature a reality :)
More info: Go personal with the new Panoramio profile picture
Man of the Year 2010 Award
Some important notes before continuing:
1. If you are from Paramount pictures or something similar, remember to ask me for permission before producing the film
2. Whatever is written in this post is fiction. Despite the guy is call "El Sueco" in this story, it does not have any relation with my friend "El Sueco".
3. We will call the girl "Aurelia" as that is the name of my favourite girl in Love Actually
4. I feel entitled to give the "Man of the Year 2010" award to "El Sueco" as I am an expert in chick flicks
5. I am adding as a soundtrack "God only knows" from the Beach boys. Feel free to keep on playing it over and over again while reading
It was a Monday when Aurelia was supposed to fly to Göteborg to spend some days with the family, but the unfortunate Icelandic volcan eyjafjallajokull almost kills the story. Aurelia was stucked in Switzerland and El Sueco was getting a bit nervous about the situation. Luckily enough she could fly on Tuesday. When she arrived home everything was as usual. The parents were waiting for the arrival and Sweden was almost in Summer time, so you can not expect any better. The only difference between this day and any other is that an envelope was waiting for Aurelia when she arrived on her bedroom. It was two days from her birthday and his boyfriend "El Sueco" did not give her anything so she was completely annoyed about the situation.
Aurelia sat on the bed and checked the envelope. It was yellowish, from those kind of paper that you can only find in some exclusive stores. After opening she saw a note with the instruction of a train ticket that would bring her from Göteborg until Kopenhagen. The train was departing on Thursday so she had plenty of time to think about this mistery. In the envelope there was another envelope though, with instruction not to be opened unless she would be on the train.After discussing with her family, Aurelia decided to take the risk without saying anything to El Sueco, who was working back in Switzerland.
When Aurelia was on the train, she opened the second envelope which contained a flight ticket to Madrid, her passport (this was getting misterious) and another eenvelope that could not be opened until she was on the plane. Things were getting excited and Aurelia decided to continue with the adventure as the family recommended her to follow her instincts. while waiting on the terminal she got a latte and a croissant, reading Hello to check what were the last adventures of the Swedish royal family. Distracted with the reading and the thoughts of the mistery, she almost misses the plane, but she could finally board and it was now time to check the maybe last step of the secret.
She opened the next envelope which contained 20€ and the instructions to get a taxi after landing in Madrid direction to a hotel in the city center, she should go there and say at reception that she was having a reservation in the best room of the hotel. The hotel was amazingly well located and at reception was everything ready for her arrival, think that shocked Aurelia. She was conducted to the suit and the room was empty. It was almost evening and she was having no more cards, no hints on what to do until she saw a delicate package on top of the bed with another envelope behind. She decided to open first the envelop. There were more instructions, this time was: I am so happy you made it, open the envelope and get ready for the best night of your life. After that you will have to go to reception and ask for more instructions. the enveloped contained an amazing night dress, long until the feet that fit her perfectly. Everything was ready so she went to reception where she was given 20€ more and a taxi was waiting for her to bring her to a restaurant.
That was getting very exciting. Aurelia arrived to the restaurant and there he was sitting in a corner table, wearing a slim black suit, with a glass of red wine and a 2 days beard: El Sueco. Aurelia started crying and El Sueco give her the biggest hug a man can give to a woman. This was her birthday present and for this El Sueco won the Man of the Year 2010 award.
People tend to think that this details are not important after being together with someone for a long time, but El Sueco decided that Aurelia deserved this and much more, so guys keep on the example, and prepare for the next year´s award. Despite this year is not finished, there is no way you do anything cooler.
Note: The hotel was a recommendation from a guy that we will call "El Malagueño" who does not have any relationship whatsoever with my friend also called "El Malagueño". In the link that he gave to El Sueco there was a tocken that gave him miles for referring. So be careful with the content of URLs :)
1. If you are from Paramount pictures or something similar, remember to ask me for permission before producing the film
2. Whatever is written in this post is fiction. Despite the guy is call "El Sueco" in this story, it does not have any relation with my friend "El Sueco".
3. We will call the girl "Aurelia" as that is the name of my favourite girl in Love Actually
4. I feel entitled to give the "Man of the Year 2010" award to "El Sueco" as I am an expert in chick flicks
5. I am adding as a soundtrack "God only knows" from the Beach boys. Feel free to keep on playing it over and over again while reading
It was a Monday when Aurelia was supposed to fly to Göteborg to spend some days with the family, but the unfortunate Icelandic volcan eyjafjallajokull almost kills the story. Aurelia was stucked in Switzerland and El Sueco was getting a bit nervous about the situation. Luckily enough she could fly on Tuesday. When she arrived home everything was as usual. The parents were waiting for the arrival and Sweden was almost in Summer time, so you can not expect any better. The only difference between this day and any other is that an envelope was waiting for Aurelia when she arrived on her bedroom. It was two days from her birthday and his boyfriend "El Sueco" did not give her anything so she was completely annoyed about the situation.
Aurelia sat on the bed and checked the envelope. It was yellowish, from those kind of paper that you can only find in some exclusive stores. After opening she saw a note with the instruction of a train ticket that would bring her from Göteborg until Kopenhagen. The train was departing on Thursday so she had plenty of time to think about this mistery. In the envelope there was another envelope though, with instruction not to be opened unless she would be on the train.After discussing with her family, Aurelia decided to take the risk without saying anything to El Sueco, who was working back in Switzerland.
When Aurelia was on the train, she opened the second envelope which contained a flight ticket to Madrid, her passport (this was getting misterious) and another eenvelope that could not be opened until she was on the plane. Things were getting excited and Aurelia decided to continue with the adventure as the family recommended her to follow her instincts. while waiting on the terminal she got a latte and a croissant, reading Hello to check what were the last adventures of the Swedish royal family. Distracted with the reading and the thoughts of the mistery, she almost misses the plane, but she could finally board and it was now time to check the maybe last step of the secret.
She opened the next envelope which contained 20€ and the instructions to get a taxi after landing in Madrid direction to a hotel in the city center, she should go there and say at reception that she was having a reservation in the best room of the hotel. The hotel was amazingly well located and at reception was everything ready for her arrival, think that shocked Aurelia. She was conducted to the suit and the room was empty. It was almost evening and she was having no more cards, no hints on what to do until she saw a delicate package on top of the bed with another envelope behind. She decided to open first the envelop. There were more instructions, this time was: I am so happy you made it, open the envelope and get ready for the best night of your life. After that you will have to go to reception and ask for more instructions. the enveloped contained an amazing night dress, long until the feet that fit her perfectly. Everything was ready so she went to reception where she was given 20€ more and a taxi was waiting for her to bring her to a restaurant.
That was getting very exciting. Aurelia arrived to the restaurant and there he was sitting in a corner table, wearing a slim black suit, with a glass of red wine and a 2 days beard: El Sueco. Aurelia started crying and El Sueco give her the biggest hug a man can give to a woman. This was her birthday present and for this El Sueco won the Man of the Year 2010 award.
People tend to think that this details are not important after being together with someone for a long time, but El Sueco decided that Aurelia deserved this and much more, so guys keep on the example, and prepare for the next year´s award. Despite this year is not finished, there is no way you do anything cooler.
Note: The hotel was a recommendation from a guy that we will call "El Malagueño" who does not have any relationship whatsoever with my friend also called "El Malagueño". In the link that he gave to El Sueco there was a tocken that gave him miles for referring. So be careful with the content of URLs :)
Bonebroke Mountain
So basically just an update on my accident. Today was my second visit to the hospital in Switzerland where doctors keep on talking German with me.
She showed the result of the MRI and basically as a result of the accident both bones had a friction and I lost a piece ;( First she wanted to operate it, but then changed her mind so I need 10 days of super immobilization, and then 2 weeks of phisio.
When they brought me to the immobilization room, I thought they wanted to plaster my arm, but no. The nurse asked me to remove my new Armani pullover (there I was, sexy me) and she put a device on me. When she finished she told me to put the pullover on top. Ha! As if I was going to ruin my new Armani pullover. As a result I crossed Zurich top-less until I found an H&M. I entered the shop and I bougth 5 cheap white Ts and this is how I arrived to the office:
And now for real: During the next 10 days, if you see me around I will need your help with the tray, with the coffee machine and all this kind of related small things. Do not forget that the issue is in the right arm, so I am completely handicapped.
Update Thanks Fer for allowing me to use your copyrighted material (aka photo)
She showed the result of the MRI and basically as a result of the accident both bones had a friction and I lost a piece ;( First she wanted to operate it, but then changed her mind so I need 10 days of super immobilization, and then 2 weeks of phisio.
When they brought me to the immobilization room, I thought they wanted to plaster my arm, but no. The nurse asked me to remove my new Armani pullover (there I was, sexy me) and she put a device on me. When she finished she told me to put the pullover on top. Ha! As if I was going to ruin my new Armani pullover. As a result I crossed Zurich top-less until I found an H&M. I entered the shop and I bougth 5 cheap white Ts and this is how I arrived to the office:
And now for real: During the next 10 days, if you see me around I will need your help with the tray, with the coffee machine and all this kind of related small things. Do not forget that the issue is in the right arm, so I am completely handicapped.
Update Thanks Fer for allowing me to use your copyrighted material (aka photo)
La paella perfecta
A petició de l'Agus dedicaré uns minuts a explicar els secrets de la meva paella, que sempre te un gust diferent però que normalment queda bona :)
Primer de tot dir que la paella més bona de totes és la de galeres, ebcara que no sempre n´hi ha. La millor època per les galeres és després de Nadal, encara que per fer paella, si estan una mica esquifides no els hi farem cap lleig. El segon secret es la salsa de la sepia, element que normalment la peixatera decideix llençar. Per tant començarem pels ingredients sense mesura ja que la mesura sempre depèn de la paella que és faci servir per tant, és una cosa una mica a ull.
Verdures: Ceba, tomàquet, pebrot vermell (el verd és massa amarg pel meu gust però si us agrada n´hi podeu posar) i una mica d'all
Bitxos: musclos, cloïsses, escamarlans, gambes, galeres i sepia
Brou: Galeres, peix de roca/cap de cranc
Hi ha diferents punts clau:
1. El brou no pot tenir peix blau (per exemple: os de tonyina NO!)
2. Tots els ingredients s´han de dehidratar un per un, al fer el sofregit. (no és que es cremin però quasi)
3. El safrà o el condimento colorante para paellas són dos elements prohibidíssims!!!
4. Si pots fer la paella amb llenya, no té color. Sino amb gas i la vitro és la última opció.
5. Ningú toca la paella ni dóna consells, ningú a menys de 5m (si la cagues la cagues solet)
El brou
Els peixos pel brou no es renten amb aigua dolça, ni es netegen. Si no ho fas així perdràs el gust del brou.
Poses tots els peixets i troços que t'han donat a la peixatería amb una ceba, una mica de julivert i una cabeça d'alls coberts d'aigua en una caçola i a bullir. Normalment amb 20-30min ja està fet. Ho pots fer amb antelació i conjelar el caldo també. Mentre el caldo vull, les brutícies del peix començaran a flotar a la cassola. Amb una cullera les vas retirant. Al final coles el caldo amb un colador i el guardes.
Nota: Si tenim moltes galeres, el caldo de galera és super bo!
Els ingredients
Tingueu tot talladet i preparat. Els trossos de les verdures no cal que siguin ultra fins. De totes maneres, s'acabaran desintegrant, i si són molt petits es cremaran i no quedarà bé. Quan compris la sepia al mercat, digues que te la rentin però que no llencin la salsa de la sepia. Digues que no vols la tinta però sí la salsa. La salsa es com una bossa bastant grossa de colo marró molt clar, grisós. És part imprescindible de la paella. Jo diría que de sèpia no n´hi ha mai prou però per 8 persones amb 2 sèpies mitkanes ja fem.
El primer que fem es fregir els bitxos evidentment amb oli d'oliva. Un cop fregits els treiem i els reservem en un plat. Els tornarem a posar al final de tot perquè sino es ressequen i no valen res. La teoria de comprar gambes dolentes per la paella és super cutre i no té sentit. Com més bons els animalets, més bona la paella.
Un cop fregits els bitxos posem la ceba a la paella. Volem foc fort però em de vigilar que no es quedi negra. La volem ben rossa però. Tindrem tota la estona el caldo al costa calent. si veiem que es deshidaten els components de la paella hi tirem una miqueta (molt poc) de calso per evitar que es cremin fins que estiguin fets tal i com volem.
Les galeres de paella són pesades de menjar i no valen molt la pena. Una recomanació es pasarles pel trurmix fins que es fa una pasta. Després les passes pel colador xino i tires el líquid resultant al sofregit (boníssim), això també ho pots fer si els llangostins són del Pescanova :)
Un cop la seva está doradeta la apartes una mica i tires el pebrot. Segueixes el mateix procediment que amb la ceba fins que està fet.
Un cop el pebrot i la ceba estan rossos, ho apartes a un cantó i hi tires la sepia amb la salsa de sepia. La salsa de sepia l'hauras d'apretar amb una cullera de fusta. Veuràs que es asquerós però tu no pateixis ho mescles bé i punt. La sèpia triga una mica a fer, però tu no pateixis. Sempre la mateixa tecnica i molta paciència. Si veus que se't deshidrata massa... culleradeta de brou.
Un cop això està fet tires el tomàquet triturat. No et flipis de tomàquet ja que no es arròs a la napolitana. La quantitat de tomàquet depèn de la quantitat de la resta d'ingredients del sofregit. Tu vas tirant sempre evitant que quedi salsa vermella. El to ha de ser marronós.
Ara el sofregit ja està fet i és el moment de llençar les cloïsses i els musclos. Has d'esperar fins que s'obrin i un cop es van obrint els has d'anar retirant amb unes pinces i posar'ho en un bol.
Un cop ja están tots en un bol, has d'esperar a que la paella es vegui l'aigua de mar que els musclos i les cloïsses han deixat anar. Un cop ja no queda aigua a la paella, el sofregit ja està fet. ara és el moment de tirar l'arros.
La quantitat d'arròs té dos filosofies. Una és la de la gana qu tenim, i l'altra és la de fer la paella bona o dolenta. Normalment són 3 grapats per persona, però si no hi caben a la paella que tenim pel número d'invitats que som, que es fotin. Fas més pica pica però mai posis més arros perquè sino serà arròs bullit. La quanititat d'arròs adecuada és: Tira arros a la diagonal de la paella fins que la diagonal arribi a dalt de la paella. Aquesta és la mesura i aquest és el motiu pel qual les paelles és mesuren pel número de començals, ja que a cada paella hi cap una quantitat específica d'arròs i no més, i aquesta mesura és la diagonal. Si sou més compra una paella més gran.
Un cop has tirat l'arròs, l'has de fregir per tant ves remenant. Sí ja sé que començarà a petar tipus les crispetes però la vida no és fàcil. Un cop l'arròs s'ha empaçat tot el sofregit, veuràs que no hi ha diferencia entre el sofregit i l'arròs ja que s'haurà enganxat tot junt, tires el caldo fins a cobrir tota la paella. La diferencia entre la paella i el risoto es que al risoto vas afegint aigua poc a poc. Aquí no, omples la paella. Tens que guardar caldo de totes maneres per si es necessari tirar-ne més. En aquest punt si et quedes sense caldo per al pit-stop, també pots tirar aigua. Un cop has tirat el caldo tires sal a la paella. La sal serà el punt clau per tant ara és el moment de vigilar molt i anar tirant sal a poc a poc i anar probant. Si poses poca sal la paella no tindrà cap gust. Ni les gambes de palamós ho salven. Si hi poses massa sal... cagada roc, per tant vigila molt aquí. Cap al final de tot quan vegis que l'arròs està casi fet tornes a posar els bitxos i les closques perquè estiguin calentets. A casa meva les closques de les cloïsses i dels muscols les traiem i posem els moluscs directament sense closca al final, però això depèn de tu.
I ja està. Bon profit i ja m'explicaràs com t'ha quedat.
Primer de tot dir que la paella més bona de totes és la de galeres, ebcara que no sempre n´hi ha. La millor època per les galeres és després de Nadal, encara que per fer paella, si estan una mica esquifides no els hi farem cap lleig. El segon secret es la salsa de la sepia, element que normalment la peixatera decideix llençar. Per tant començarem pels ingredients sense mesura ja que la mesura sempre depèn de la paella que és faci servir per tant, és una cosa una mica a ull.
Verdures: Ceba, tomàquet, pebrot vermell (el verd és massa amarg pel meu gust però si us agrada n´hi podeu posar) i una mica d'all
Bitxos: musclos, cloïsses, escamarlans, gambes, galeres i sepia
Brou: Galeres, peix de roca/cap de cranc
Hi ha diferents punts clau:
1. El brou no pot tenir peix blau (per exemple: os de tonyina NO!)
2. Tots els ingredients s´han de dehidratar un per un, al fer el sofregit. (no és que es cremin però quasi)
3. El safrà o el condimento colorante para paellas són dos elements prohibidíssims!!!
4. Si pots fer la paella amb llenya, no té color. Sino amb gas i la vitro és la última opció.
5. Ningú toca la paella ni dóna consells, ningú a menys de 5m (si la cagues la cagues solet)
El brou
Els peixos pel brou no es renten amb aigua dolça, ni es netegen. Si no ho fas així perdràs el gust del brou.
Poses tots els peixets i troços que t'han donat a la peixatería amb una ceba, una mica de julivert i una cabeça d'alls coberts d'aigua en una caçola i a bullir. Normalment amb 20-30min ja està fet. Ho pots fer amb antelació i conjelar el caldo també. Mentre el caldo vull, les brutícies del peix començaran a flotar a la cassola. Amb una cullera les vas retirant. Al final coles el caldo amb un colador i el guardes.
Nota: Si tenim moltes galeres, el caldo de galera és super bo!
Els ingredients
Tingueu tot talladet i preparat. Els trossos de les verdures no cal que siguin ultra fins. De totes maneres, s'acabaran desintegrant, i si són molt petits es cremaran i no quedarà bé. Quan compris la sepia al mercat, digues que te la rentin però que no llencin la salsa de la sepia. Digues que no vols la tinta però sí la salsa. La salsa es com una bossa bastant grossa de colo marró molt clar, grisós. És part imprescindible de la paella. Jo diría que de sèpia no n´hi ha mai prou però per 8 persones amb 2 sèpies mitkanes ja fem.
El primer que fem es fregir els bitxos evidentment amb oli d'oliva. Un cop fregits els treiem i els reservem en un plat. Els tornarem a posar al final de tot perquè sino es ressequen i no valen res. La teoria de comprar gambes dolentes per la paella és super cutre i no té sentit. Com més bons els animalets, més bona la paella.
Un cop fregits els bitxos posem la ceba a la paella. Volem foc fort però em de vigilar que no es quedi negra. La volem ben rossa però. Tindrem tota la estona el caldo al costa calent. si veiem que es deshidaten els components de la paella hi tirem una miqueta (molt poc) de calso per evitar que es cremin fins que estiguin fets tal i com volem.
Les galeres de paella són pesades de menjar i no valen molt la pena. Una recomanació es pasarles pel trurmix fins que es fa una pasta. Després les passes pel colador xino i tires el líquid resultant al sofregit (boníssim), això també ho pots fer si els llangostins són del Pescanova :)
Un cop la seva está doradeta la apartes una mica i tires el pebrot. Segueixes el mateix procediment que amb la ceba fins que està fet.
Un cop el pebrot i la ceba estan rossos, ho apartes a un cantó i hi tires la sepia amb la salsa de sepia. La salsa de sepia l'hauras d'apretar amb una cullera de fusta. Veuràs que es asquerós però tu no pateixis ho mescles bé i punt. La sèpia triga una mica a fer, però tu no pateixis. Sempre la mateixa tecnica i molta paciència. Si veus que se't deshidrata massa... culleradeta de brou.
Un cop això està fet tires el tomàquet triturat. No et flipis de tomàquet ja que no es arròs a la napolitana. La quantitat de tomàquet depèn de la quantitat de la resta d'ingredients del sofregit. Tu vas tirant sempre evitant que quedi salsa vermella. El to ha de ser marronós.
Ara el sofregit ja està fet i és el moment de llençar les cloïsses i els musclos. Has d'esperar fins que s'obrin i un cop es van obrint els has d'anar retirant amb unes pinces i posar'ho en un bol.
Un cop ja están tots en un bol, has d'esperar a que la paella es vegui l'aigua de mar que els musclos i les cloïsses han deixat anar. Un cop ja no queda aigua a la paella, el sofregit ja està fet. ara és el moment de tirar l'arros.
La quantitat d'arròs té dos filosofies. Una és la de la gana qu tenim, i l'altra és la de fer la paella bona o dolenta. Normalment són 3 grapats per persona, però si no hi caben a la paella que tenim pel número d'invitats que som, que es fotin. Fas més pica pica però mai posis més arros perquè sino serà arròs bullit. La quanititat d'arròs adecuada és: Tira arros a la diagonal de la paella fins que la diagonal arribi a dalt de la paella. Aquesta és la mesura i aquest és el motiu pel qual les paelles és mesuren pel número de començals, ja que a cada paella hi cap una quantitat específica d'arròs i no més, i aquesta mesura és la diagonal. Si sou més compra una paella més gran.
Un cop has tirat l'arròs, l'has de fregir per tant ves remenant. Sí ja sé que començarà a petar tipus les crispetes però la vida no és fàcil. Un cop l'arròs s'ha empaçat tot el sofregit, veuràs que no hi ha diferencia entre el sofregit i l'arròs ja que s'haurà enganxat tot junt, tires el caldo fins a cobrir tota la paella. La diferencia entre la paella i el risoto es que al risoto vas afegint aigua poc a poc. Aquí no, omples la paella. Tens que guardar caldo de totes maneres per si es necessari tirar-ne més. En aquest punt si et quedes sense caldo per al pit-stop, també pots tirar aigua. Un cop has tirat el caldo tires sal a la paella. La sal serà el punt clau per tant ara és el moment de vigilar molt i anar tirant sal a poc a poc i anar probant. Si poses poca sal la paella no tindrà cap gust. Ni les gambes de palamós ho salven. Si hi poses massa sal... cagada roc, per tant vigila molt aquí. Cap al final de tot quan vegis que l'arròs està casi fet tornes a posar els bitxos i les closques perquè estiguin calentets. A casa meva les closques de les cloïsses i dels muscols les traiem i posem els moluscs directament sense closca al final, però això depèn de tu.
I ja està. Bon profit i ja m'explicaràs com t'ha quedat.
Almost dead in the Squash Court
First day of squash in 2010 resulting in first ever visit in a hospital in Switzerland.
After 2 minutes of warming the ball, the bones of my arm went out of place as a result of a bad gesture. We needed to call the ambulance and those guys appeared very fast despite it looked like ages to me. First question was:
How much does it hurt from 0 to 10?
(I loved it, I thought I was the only person in this world making questions using this scale) I normally ask... how much did you like this paella from 0 to 10 and so on...
Well my answer was 8 (dramaqueenization). So I got a shot in the vaines of something they told me was 100 times stronger than morphine. I was completely drugged, and level of pain decreased to 6.
We arrived at Triemli hospital and after the next 0 to 10 question I said 6 (being brave)
After 3 minutes pain started to increase and I felt like puking, I was almost crying so I pressed the button for the nurse to come. I told her that I was dying of pain. And when she was on her way to bring more painkilling stuff I heart a click and my arm went back to place on its own.
After that I got an X-Ray and next week I have an appointment to get an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) or what is the same... I have to go to the time tunnel, to make sure my ligaments are fine. Meanwhile I am with a super immobilizer that does not let me move my right arm, so I am very happy my Lenovo X200 has this small button like mouse ;)
After that I went home with the tram in sports clothes, almost freezing and I obviously got robbed. It was only 20CHF this time!
Conclusion: No squash for at least 1 month. And I will need the help of my Panoramio friends to carry all the stuff like the lunch tray.
I would like to thank the Google Squash team for helping me when I was almost dying, and the Swiss emergency and Sanitary guys for being so helpful, fast and responsive!
After 2 minutes of warming the ball, the bones of my arm went out of place as a result of a bad gesture. We needed to call the ambulance and those guys appeared very fast despite it looked like ages to me. First question was:
How much does it hurt from 0 to 10?
(I loved it, I thought I was the only person in this world making questions using this scale) I normally ask... how much did you like this paella from 0 to 10 and so on...
Well my answer was 8 (dramaqueenization). So I got a shot in the vaines of something they told me was 100 times stronger than morphine. I was completely drugged, and level of pain decreased to 6.
We arrived at Triemli hospital and after the next 0 to 10 question I said 6 (being brave)
After 3 minutes pain started to increase and I felt like puking, I was almost crying so I pressed the button for the nurse to come. I told her that I was dying of pain. And when she was on her way to bring more painkilling stuff I heart a click and my arm went back to place on its own.
After that I got an X-Ray and next week I have an appointment to get an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) or what is the same... I have to go to the time tunnel, to make sure my ligaments are fine. Meanwhile I am with a super immobilizer that does not let me move my right arm, so I am very happy my Lenovo X200 has this small button like mouse ;)
After that I went home with the tram in sports clothes, almost freezing and I obviously got robbed. It was only 20CHF this time!
Conclusion: No squash for at least 1 month. And I will need the help of my Panoramio friends to carry all the stuff like the lunch tray.
I would like to thank the Google Squash team for helping me when I was almost dying, and the Swiss emergency and Sanitary guys for being so helpful, fast and responsive!
Tripit: Why should I sign up with my Google Account?
I normally travel a lot and I am from the group of people that left printers behind some years ago, so I do NOT print my boarding pass NOR the email that air companies sent me after booking my flight. For this reason I always used to go around with a piece of paper or a post-it in my wallet with my flight information: Not good!
After a while I decided to create a spreadsheet in Google Docs with all my flight info. It was a bit tedious as I hate copy-paste. It was kind of better than the post-it but I still needed online connection so this did not replaced the post-it technique, despite it gave me a bit of control over my flights.
My last trial is TripIt. Last week Carlos Gomez told me that TripIt has an Android App and he showed me how it looked like. This was amazingly cool as it displays off-line info (avoiding roaming costs) of your trips directly in the App and the way to input the info is by sending the email you receive from the airline to plans@tripit.com with the email address you are registered. Laziness of me, I registered with my GMail account but not with my Google Account (It was 1 click less) so after that my Android App off line looked like:
After a while I decided to create a spreadsheet in Google Docs with all my flight info. It was a bit tedious as I hate copy-paste. It was kind of better than the post-it but I still needed online connection so this did not replaced the post-it technique, despite it gave me a bit of control over my flights.
My last trial is TripIt. Last week Carlos Gomez told me that TripIt has an Android App and he showed me how it looked like. This was amazingly cool as it displays off-line info (avoiding roaming costs) of your trips directly in the App and the way to input the info is by sending the email you receive from the airline to plans@tripit.com with the email address you are registered. Laziness of me, I registered with my GMail account but not with my Google Account (It was 1 click less) so after that my Android App off line looked like:
I changed immediately the configuration to my Google Account, and surprise: as my Android phone is also connected to my Google Account, all the info that I sync'ed in my TripIt App gets displayed when I start the App (no need to Sign in all the time), regardless of my connection status. This way I have all the info I need wherever I am on the planet.
Conclusion: This is a mandatory App for your Android so give it a try, it is free!
Skiing in Zermatt with a tech twist
Our ski day starts at this point (Carlos, Asier and me very fresh and ready to go to the gondola), it continues with some sun bathing here and ends up in the Après-Ski here where we got to know Heather and Justine. Whatever happens later I can not explain as my battery died and we agreed not to explain anything that could not be geo-tagged.
Some data extracted from the answer to all my problems until now: My Tracks for Android
Asier: 87.3 Km/h
Carlos: 86.40 Km/h
Gerard: 90.90Km/h
Min. elevation: 1756m
Max. elevation: 3416m
The three of us installed this app in our Nexus One (it works in any Android powered device) so we could enjoy the slopes with data :) Obviously Carlos was trying to win speed-wise all the time (almost risking his life) but obviously he had no chance.
After recording your full track you can upload it directly to Google Maps creating a spreadsheet in Google Docs with stats and it also allows you to download a kml file and a gpx file. The kml file allows you to share your track in Google Earth with your friends and the gpx file contains all the geo data point by point of your day.
What do you want a gpx file?
To know where you took your pictures (In case your camera does not have GPS). You can sync your camera time with your phone in the morning and then check the latlong info in the file. time is stored in gpx files in UTC so be sure you look up the correct timing.
Now you have your timing, latlong info and a Map in Google Maps... so go ahead and edit it nicely to create your story. Photos with your friends can be uploaded to Picasa Web Albums (here the one of that day) and the pictures where you show the world can be uploaded to Panoramio. The photos that you upload to Panoramio and follow Google Earth upload policy will directly be displayed in the Map. The photos were you are with your friends will not so how to add them in your map?
1. Go to the map and click on Edit
2. Add a placemark where you took the picture (check the place with the gpx file)
3. Click on the placemark and click on "Edit HTML"
4. Add the info of the image and add an anchor if you want the picture to be a link using the following format:
<a href="URL you want the picture to link"><img src="URL of the picture stored at Picasa Web Albums" style="width:160px"></a>
Some data extracted from the answer to all my problems until now: My Tracks for Android
Asier: 87.3 Km/h
Carlos: 86.40 Km/h
Gerard: 90.90Km/h
Min. elevation: 1756m
Max. elevation: 3416m
The three of us installed this app in our Nexus One (it works in any Android powered device) so we could enjoy the slopes with data :) Obviously Carlos was trying to win speed-wise all the time (almost risking his life) but obviously he had no chance.
After recording your full track you can upload it directly to Google Maps creating a spreadsheet in Google Docs with stats and it also allows you to download a kml file and a gpx file. The kml file allows you to share your track in Google Earth with your friends and the gpx file contains all the geo data point by point of your day.
What do you want a gpx file?
To know where you took your pictures (In case your camera does not have GPS). You can sync your camera time with your phone in the morning and then check the latlong info in the file. time is stored in gpx files in UTC so be sure you look up the correct timing.
Now you have your timing, latlong info and a Map in Google Maps... so go ahead and edit it nicely to create your story. Photos with your friends can be uploaded to Picasa Web Albums (here the one of that day) and the pictures where you show the world can be uploaded to Panoramio. The photos that you upload to Panoramio and follow Google Earth upload policy will directly be displayed in the Map. The photos were you are with your friends will not so how to add them in your map?
1. Go to the map and click on Edit
2. Add a placemark where you took the picture (check the place with the gpx file)
3. Click on the placemark and click on "Edit HTML"
4. Add the info of the image and add an anchor if you want the picture to be a link using the following format:
<a href="URL you want the picture to link"><img src="URL of the picture stored at Picasa Web Albums" style="width:160px"></a>
5. change the placemark shape to indicate whether you where skiing, drinking a beer, etc.
And that is it. You just miss to share your map with your friends and bet money with Carlos the following weekend, as there is no way he wins the speed competition.
Sidenote: If you ever want to come to ski with me and you do not have My Tracks... just forget about it.
Sidenote 2: I wanted to give a special mention to our best friends Alvar and Michael as they could not make it to Zermatt. Maybe next time!
And that is it. You just miss to share your map with your friends and bet money with Carlos the following weekend, as there is no way he wins the speed competition.
Sidenote: If you ever want to come to ski with me and you do not have My Tracks... just forget about it.
Sidenote 2: I wanted to give a special mention to our best friends Alvar and Michael as they could not make it to Zermatt. Maybe next time!
Photo Upload from Picasa Web Albums to Panoramio. Use Case
I am extremely happy about the launch of the upload from Picasa Web Albums to Panoramio as this is definitely going to make my life easier.
2 weeks ago I went to ski in Flumserberg in Switzerland with my friends Thomas and Gokce. Do not ask me how but that day I did not forget my camera so I could take some good pictures. Some of those pictures are only interesting for my friends and for me, but due to the climatology of the day, there were some pictures that I though were worth to share with the world. It was a foggy day so it was completely dark down in the valley, and up the mountain it was sunnier than ever. We were literally over the cloud.
From that day I have this album in Picasa Web Albums and these selected photos in Panoramio. I had to upload them 2 times to achieve the same result that I will achieve from now on with 1/2 the effort!
2 weeks ago I went to ski in Flumserberg in Switzerland with my friends Thomas and Gokce. Do not ask me how but that day I did not forget my camera so I could take some good pictures. Some of those pictures are only interesting for my friends and for me, but due to the climatology of the day, there were some pictures that I though were worth to share with the world. It was a foggy day so it was completely dark down in the valley, and up the mountain it was sunnier than ever. We were literally over the cloud.
From that day I have this album in Picasa Web Albums and these selected photos in Panoramio. I had to upload them 2 times to achieve the same result that I will achieve from now on with 1/2 the effort!
How to create a new Private Buzz to only selected friends
I spent the day playing with Buzz with my friends and their concern was that they did not find a way to create private Buzz and only send it to specific contacts without creating a group of contacts for that.
1. Create a private Buzz
2. Select a group of friends with 0 friends
3. Use the @name option to select the individuals you want
This Buzz will be for those @friends and it will be Private
1. Create a private Buzz
2. Select a group of friends with 0 friends
3. Use the @name option to select the individuals you want
This Buzz will be for those @friends and it will be Private
Customize your Panoramio URL
We know it is all about customization and that is why we made a small change in our code to allow you to have your own Panoramio URL.
Until now its format included a random number like "3616830"

Now you can change it to whatever you want*

To select your own URL you need to go to "Settings" and fill in the box called "Username". From now on sharing your Panoramio page will be easier than ever.
Until now its format included a random number like "3616830"

Now you can change it to whatever you want*

To select your own URL you need to go to "Settings" and fill in the box called "Username". From now on sharing your Panoramio page will be easier than ever.
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