
Product Test: Nike Free 5.0

After a very productive day updating translation files for Panoramio ;) I decided to go for a run to give a try to my brand new Nike Free 5.0

I did a short 7Km (in 40min so not much sweating) from the office to the bottom of Uetliberg and return. I decided to buy this shoes following a recommendation of my friend H.Leiteriz and I have to admit they are very comfortable.

My knee was a bit in pain before and that is why I decided to change shoes. With this new shoes the pain decreased significantly... I still need to try them for longer to assess though. What I can assure is that there are some muscles in my leg that were not in use with my old runners and I can totally see that the design of this shoes is more natural. I should maybe have gone for the 3.0 version though, but I wanted to be on the safe side so in case this pair proofs to work as it seems, I will go for the Nike free 3.0

This new model allows the option to add the fancy device that tells you speed, distance and calories. If anyone feels like buying me one as a present... I will not say no :)


  1. I did a gait analysis test today in the store where I ran on a treadmill and they recorded me running and then analysed how I ran and what the best show for me is. Today I bought a new pair of Nike LunarGlide+. It's super light and helps keep my ankle straight as I run.

  2. Nice!!! Let me know after a few tests!

  3. A yes, this is the ones I have. I did not know they had a new name ;)
