Total distance: 19.14Km
Time: 3:41h (Including lunch break)
If you want to see the track in Google Earth, the .kml is here
The photos I took are here
We followed the track recommended by Tages Anzeiger.
The hike was not difficult at all but it is very nice. We took the train at Zürich HB to Glarus (return ticket with Halbtax was 24 CHF). From Glarus we took the track to the lake. It has an amazing forest and a river with crystal clear water. We have seen a couple of guys fly-fishing.
The official mountain greeting is Grützi. If you are greeting more than one person you should use: Grützi mit ein andern.
The view you find just after going out from the forest near the lake is the most amazing thing on the whole hike. After this view you find the lake and as it ias artificial... well, you find what some people call beach and Erik was referring as "the mold".
We surrendered the lake and we ended up at Plätz where a nice beer was waiting for me at the beer garden. It happens to be also the bus station, so in case you do not want to walk down again...
In general I have a great impression. It is something easy, nice and cheap. Fully recommended.
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