
Almost dead in the Squash Court

First day of squash in 2010 resulting in first ever visit in a hospital in Switzerland.

After 2 minutes of warming the ball, the bones of my arm went out of place as a result of a bad gesture. We needed to call the ambulance and those guys appeared very fast despite it looked like ages to me. First question was:

How much does it hurt from 0 to 10?
(I loved it, I thought I was the only person in this world making questions using this scale) I normally ask... how much did you like this paella from 0 to 10 and so on...

Well my answer was 8 (dramaqueenization). So I got a shot in the vaines of something they told me was 100 times stronger than morphine. I was completely drugged, and level of pain decreased to 6.

We arrived at Triemli hospital and after the next 0 to 10 question I said 6 (being brave)

After 3 minutes pain started to increase and I felt like puking, I was almost crying so I pressed the button for the nurse to come. I told her that I was dying of pain. And when she was on her way to bring more painkilling stuff I heart a click and my arm went back to place on its own.

After that I got an X-Ray and next week I have an appointment to get an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) or what is the same... I have to go to the time tunnel, to make sure my ligaments are fine. Meanwhile I am with a super immobilizer that does not let me move my right arm, so I am very happy my Lenovo X200 has this small button like mouse ;)

After that I went home with the tram in sports clothes, almost freezing and I obviously got robbed. It was only 20CHF this time!

Conclusion: No squash for at least 1 month. And I will need the help of my Panoramio friends to carry all the stuff like the lunch tray.

I would like to thank the Google Squash team for helping me when I was almost dying, and the Swiss emergency and Sanitary guys for being so helpful, fast and responsive!


  1. probet G :(
    Me fas una llàstima em esta cara de compació :)

  2. didn you keep some of the painkillers?

  3. Hmm... normally skiing is the main cause for sporting accidents over there, but there's a first time for everything... :)

    Get well soon G. and CU Sunday !


  4. Sorry to hear about your accident and the robbery. I have sprained my ankles playing squash but never a wrist... We will help you with the tray too. ;-)

  5. jajajaja!!! do not worry that much. I tend to exaggerate things. I am kind of fine, but this way everyone in the office stops to talk to me :)

  6. Pagafantas!! Y encima te robaron!

  7. I'm sorry for your pain Gerard but this is hilarious!!! Please write a book, I will be the first one to buy it!!

  8. Hi Gerard, hopefully you're feeling better already. Take care. Volkan

  9. when I was almost dying? no exageras ni nada tu ehh.

  10. ¡¡¡Pordio, gallego!!! ¿Te moriste :D? Dejate de joder con deportes sofisticados y jugá a las bochas JAJAJA!!!
    Cuidate el ojete y abrazos desde el sur. l

  11. Woooo Ge, nice story!!! Good luck with your arm and try to get well soon! :D
    Ah, good luck for the game (Inter vs Barcelona) tonight as well! ;)
