
Mm o el trocet que en vaig fer ;)

Ja ha passat casi un dia i no puc ni caminar però m´ho vaig passar genial.

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Vam començar un grupet molt maco i com sempre ja al Km0 jo fent el gilipolles. Els primers 20Km els vam fer quasi corrent i sense cap problema però al final d'aquests 20Km i després de correr amunt i avall fent el cabra boja doncs, el genoll esquerre i el sec de la cama dret em van dir que no em flipes. Vaig aguantar com vaig poder fins al Km45 i allà ja no vaig poder caminar més. Ni pensar amb el Frodo m'ajudava (que trist... si ho veiés pobret) així que haurem de tornar a intentar-ho l'any que ve.

Me'n vaig amb un record molt maco i amb ganes de tornar-ho a intentar. Gràcies a tots els que vau venir amb mi i gràcies a les dues noies guapes de suport logístic. Vosaltres sí que teniu mèrit.

Un petó a tots!!!

Aquí us deixo les fotos de la jornada.
Aquí teniu l'enllaç al mapa dels primers 20Km amb temps, altituds, etc.

I per rematar... enllaç al discurs del Sam al Foro :P

Product Test: Nike Free 5.0

After a very productive day updating translation files for Panoramio ;) I decided to go for a run to give a try to my brand new Nike Free 5.0

I did a short 7Km (in 40min so not much sweating) from the office to the bottom of Uetliberg and return. I decided to buy this shoes following a recommendation of my friend H.Leiteriz and I have to admit they are very comfortable.

My knee was a bit in pain before and that is why I decided to change shoes. With this new shoes the pain decreased significantly... I still need to try them for longer to assess though. What I can assure is that there are some muscles in my leg that were not in use with my old runners and I can totally see that the design of this shoes is more natural. I should maybe have gone for the 3.0 version though, but I wanted to be on the safe side so in case this pair proofs to work as it seems, I will go for the Nike free 3.0

This new model allows the option to add the fancy device that tells you speed, distance and calories. If anyone feels like buying me one as a present... I will not say no :)

Blick am Abend changed my name ;)

From now on I am Gérard Sars. Sars not being the desease :(
This is the piece where Blick am Abend asked me about the WM:

I was fetched infraganty in Bellevue while going to the office, obviously with my Google Picknick sunglasses, by the reporters of Blick am Abend (the less trusty newspaper in Switzerland).

A fast translation of what they wrote I said:

"Despite being from Spain and being happy of the Spanish victory, what I liked the most was Paul the octopus. That was crazy and I like it!"

My first Edelweiss

Last weekend I went hiking with Jessica in Adelboden and I found my first Edelweiss (at 2333m):

They say Edelweiss brings you luck so we wanted to extend our weekend with a bath in the Jungbrunnen, so now I have less wrinkles than before [ considering I was having none ;) ]

On our way back home we stopped in an Alpenhutte as it was raining and I wanted to buy a cheese. The problem I have now with this cheese is that it is killing my social life. I do not have a dog because I can not commit on taking care of it, and now I have to wash and flip a cheese every morning when I wake up ;(

Conclusion: Before buying a cheese, consider going directly for a dog.

Some photos from that weekend are here

Panoramaweg. Schwizerland

As always we will start with a photo of me ;)

Just a couple of thoughts on my way up to the Gr.Mythen summit:

  • Guys are way hotter in the mountain than in the beach.
Basically this is due to the nature of the activity. People go to the beach to lay down like seals, whereas people go to the mountain to do some sport! No need to be very intelligent to get the conclusion, I just did not thought about this until yesterday while hiking ;)
  • If you ask someone "How long do we still have to the summit" in the middle of the hike, you will end up going back to the basement
And indeed. There was this guy that was hiking up to Gr. Mythen and when he was at ~40% he ask me that question. I obviously gave the typical mountain answer (a lie): you are almost there. He made a puzzle face and quit the hike ;)

Just say that the excursion is really worth it and despite I am in still in pain, I have to say it was extremely nice.

Some data:
Distance: 19.24Km
Time: 5:11h
Images: Panoramio

If you want to see route in Google Earth, click the image below to download the kml file.

Klöntalersee from Glarus to Plätz

I just arrived from my first hike this season, this time with my friend Erik. As always some data:

Total distance: 19.14Km
Time: 3:41h (Including lunch break)

If you want to see the track in Google Earth, the .kml is here
The photos I took are here

We followed the track recommended by Tages Anzeiger.

The hike was not difficult at all but it is very nice. We took the train at Zürich HB to Glarus (return ticket with Halbtax was 24 CHF). From Glarus we took the track to the lake. It has an amazing forest and a river with crystal clear water. We have seen a couple of guys fly-fishing.

The official mountain greeting is Grützi. If you are greeting more than one person you should use: Grützi mit ein andern.

The view you find just after going out from the forest near the lake is the most amazing thing on the whole hike. After this view you find the lake and as it ias artificial... well, you find what some people call beach and Erik was referring as "the mold".

We surrendered the lake and we ended up at Plätz where a nice beer was waiting for me at the beer garden. It happens to be also the bus station, so in case you do not want to walk down again...

In general I have a great impression. It is something easy, nice and cheap. Fully recommended.

Birthday on fire!

Yesterday was the 27th anniversary of Carlos Gomez and he decided to celebrate it at a Peruvian restaurant called Mochica. I say "called" in past as the restaurant got burned while we were eating!

Let's go back a bit in time:
When Carlos told me we were going there I had a bad karma, so I told him that I was not feeling really comfortable about the selection. He convinced me with: "It is my birthday" and "We should go to places that are different from what we find in Europe", so I agreed and we met at 20:30h there.

We arrived and ordered some Sangria while we were checking the menu, and suddenly the oven started to burn. (This is one reason to avid open-air kitchens). Carlos was fully calmed and people in the restaurant was whispering about the situation. Just some seconds later, a responsible from the place extinguished the fired and people started to cheer up.

We ordered the second sangria and this time the over went on fire for real. The fire was expanding to the rest of the kitchen and there was nothing the personal could do. Smoke started to expand in the room. Carlos was telling us to stay calmed despite we already told him there was no way we would eat with that smoke. And then people started to run out from the place.

2 minutes later the fireman (4 tracks in total) covered the area and started to work in the extinction. Everyone in the area was taking pictures with their cameras, so despite of the situation there was kind of a gossiping atmosphere.

Suddenly a guy who promise to us that he was a former fireman, started organizing the fireman brigades. The guy was not having any devise with him and he was faking he was calling the units and giving them advice. Obviously he was just a bit crazy. Carlos interrogated him and as he told us everything was under control, we headed towards our next stop: a Mexican restaurant called Colibri.

This was the most exciting birthday dinner ever. I just hope that the restaurant is fine now as the food looked delicious, despite we could not taste it. Next time I'm in San Francisco I will have to go to give it a try.